Coppi Industrial

Feed factories

Our animal feed solutions help to provide high-quality products in an economical way and respecting raw materials.

We value well-structured processes to provide more nutritious bran and pellet feeds with superior palatability.

Complete projects for cattle, pigs, poultry, horses, goats and fish.

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+ Fish feed


Fish require several nutrients in their diets, we focus on providing feed that contains them in a way that facilitates their ingestion and absorption.

The feed is also supplemented with minerals, vitamins and other essential substances for the good development of the fish.

+ Feed for cattle, pigs, poultry, horses and goats


We provide complete projects, from receiving the fractions that make up the feed to shipping it, whether in bags or in bulk, we have the right solution for your business.

Homogeneous and well-composed rations that facilitate the absorption of nutrients by animals.

+ Meal feed


Due to the quality of our grain pre-mix, we generate a more homogeneous grinding and with the addition of kernels and crumbs in the post-grinding mixture, we guarantee a more nutritious feed, achieving a great final result.

+ Pelletized feed


Our concept achieves high pellet homogeneity through excellent grinding and efficient gelatinization, which results in superior palatability, facilitating the absorption of nutrients by the animals.

+ Your process in your hand


A modern installation is not optimally utilized without an effective and reliable control system.

A Coppi control system combines our years of process experience with technology.

This is your guarantee that all installed machines operate at their best performance, thus guaranteeing savings throughout the plant's entire useful life.

+ A video is worth a thousand words


Check out a short animation about our systems.


+ We design you produce


Efficient solutions, we produce more with the same, to add sustainability to your business it is necessary to see it as a whole.

Together from the starting point we reach the desired final product, count on us at every step of production.

Complete systems that go beyond the obvious.

+ Why Coppi?


  • Quality: we seek perfection
  • Know-how: well thought out projects
  • Values: we design for a better future
  • Trust: our partnership from start to finish
  • Expertise: more than 55 years of history


1 Reception and cleaning

We are able to control what enters your feed system, removing unwanted impurities, something that prolongs the life of the equipment and provides hygienic storage conditions for your grains.

We are able to efficiently provide reception equipment, also providing a clean environment through aspiration.

Speak to an expert

We are here to help you find the ideal solution for your industrial needs.

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