Coppi Industrial

Storage and movement of grains and solids

We design equipment for reliable storage, with robust extraction systems built to last.

Customizable for different capacities, we have designs for different types of products designed to guarantee and provide the necessary time between supply and operation.

We can also include complete aspiration systems.

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+ From A to B


We have several options for moving materials, our lines of conveyors cover a diverse range of applications.

Mechanical transport for sensitive to more aggressive products, for transport in sheltered environments or at sea, we offer the correct solution.

You can also opt for pneumatic transport for long and winding journeys.

+ We design as needed


We customize a system to meet the customer's physical space and process needs, using any combination of: Bucket Elevators, Drag Conveyors, Belt Conveyors and Screw Conveyors.
Systems with the possibility of being designed entirely in stainless steel with robust and durable equipment.

+ Storage is the crux of the matter


A clean and safe storage process is essential, so silos with conical bottoms or extractors, cylindrical or square, can be included, all sealed to promote reliable operation.

We will size according to the plant's capacity, all in accordance with the desired operating time.

+ Some applications


To meet a high demand for different products, we customize according to our know-how.

Check out some of these products.

+ In operation

Drag conveyor


Check out one of our equipment in the final testing phase.



1 Storage

Our silos are designed to guarantee ideal, clean and safe storage, protecting the product and keeping it ready for extraction at any time.

Dimensioned according to the needs of the operation and the hygienic requirements of the products in question, from carbon steel silos to completely stainless steel.

Speak to an expert

We are here to help you find the ideal solution for your industrial needs.

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